
Power of observation

Power of observation. Observation skills

Fire by Nicholas Roerich. 19431. "When the ancients urged, “Know thyself,” they were primarily concerned with the development of the power of observation. This process is no mystery. People should simply become more attentive to their own nature and to their surroundings, and should realize that they are responsible for the quality of their projections." [Supermundane, 353]


2. "Observation is not something wonderful, it is born out of respect for all things." [Diaries of Helena Roerich - 1933.09.05]


3. "... Observation clearly and generously enriches consciousness." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1954,587]


4. "Observation is a step toward justice." [New Era Community, 2]


5. "... Sharpen your attention, observation, and develop the ability to make a fair judgment on the life of each day." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 3. 009]


6. "Tolerance is one of the conditions of observation. True observation is the basis of cognition. An intolerant man cannot form a just picture of things. He deprives himself of observation and loses perspicacity. What kind of cognition can be born from egoism which rejects reality? There are many examples of great truths having been subjected to distortion, because of intolerance." [Brotherhood, 409]


7. "... Тhe cultivation of observation is an important one. Keenness of observation must be cultivated. ... In the beginning it can be developed by observing the most ordinary conditions. It is wrong to assume that only the schoolteachers should develop the power of observation. The pupils themselves should understand the value of this ability, which opens all paths, earthly and supermundane. A little child can see that an unobservant man is like a blind and deaf one. He cannot discern higher manifestations. He stagnates in a magic circle of prejudices. … Only a diligent training of observation can transform the ordinary daily way of life. “Help the blind to recover their sight,” advised the Thinker." [Supermundane, 821]


8. "Can there be caution without vigilance? Even watchfulness can be of two kinds. A person is usually interested only in his immediate surroundings, and it is only when We exclaim, “Watch out!” that he will begin to look around. True alertness must encompass everything." [Supermundane, 302]


9. "Do not neglect anything. … Even the greatest of manifestations may be the least visible. Cosmic significance is not dependent on physical dimensions. A seed provides the best example of this. …A person who can train his attention to observe the smallest will also understand the greatest." [Heart, 177]


The Sacred Spring by Nicholas Roerich. 194510. "… Yet, how can observation be developed without vigilance, without constant watchfulness? These qualities are not acquired at once, they must be cultivated. The more consciously such education proceeds, the sooner will one be able to maintain an untiring vigil." [Supermundane, 822]


11. "Observation is the basis of promotion. Perception is impossible without it. Master it... and take possession of it as a tool of cognition and creativity. Forgetting yourself, just open your eyes and ears and look and listen. If the self does not interfere, you will discover a new world. It (observation) means concentration and a watchful state of consciousness. A person who has given himself up to emotions cannot observe." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1952, 285]


12. "Whoever cannot pass around an observed object on all sides is no investigator." [Fiery World III, 509]


13. "... Habit is not an excuse for blindness... We live in a wonderful world where a miracle is at every step, but glasses of ordinariness prevent us from seeing. These glasses should be removed. ... Unable to observe, a man walks among the ghosts created by his imagination, having lost touch with reality. You just need to open your eyes to see..." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1954, 581]


14. "Usually those who do not see the new, do not know the old. An observant, sharp-sighted mind can see new things in each everyday phenomenon, but such a privilege belongs to an open and non-denying mind." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 5. 071]


15. "Though people do not understand that the Macrocosm can also be individual, every experienced observer already knows that generalizations are made only with great caution. Life does not count the varieties of its blessings." [Supermundane, 767]




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