Concerto for violin and orchestra in E minor, part 1 by F. Mendelssohn

Strength of spirit will

Kalki Avatar (A Devotee Visualises Kalki) by Nicholas Roerich. 1932 	  1. "Everything that is in the universe is created by thought and will." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1962, 392]


2. "The thought-will remains the only basis of the All-existence, therefore the energy of the thought must be so carefully investigated." [Fiery World II, 56]


3. "... Only thought, saturated with fiery will, creates. But we can acquire this will only through a long exercise in bringing to life, into action the thoughts of our own and others." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 2. 107]


4. "Spirit is the master of matter. Matter has no will, but spirit has will. Will is an attribute of the spirit. ...The potential of the will of the human spirit is inexhaustible and great, and there are no limits to strengthening its power." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1954, 290]


5. "In essence, the development, or disclosure, of the fiery potential of the will is the meaning of the evolution of the spirit." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1954, 423]


6. "It is possible to be strong if the will is strong, and the will is the spirit of fire, manifested in action." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1958, 50]


7. "... The essence of life consists in mastering and subordinating to the spiritual will of all the phenomena of the microcosm's life." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1953, 29]


8. "There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome by the human will." [Agni Yoga, 393]


9. "...Human energy becomes inexhaustible when one trains one’s thought upon the Highest Source." [Supermundane, 385]


10. "It is said: “The scales of a person's karma affirm the measurement of his will,” that is, the quality of karma shows a high or low degree of his will. After all, the will is the main motivator and creator of all things." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 4. 081]


11. "Energy and will are the true rulers of karma. ...Will is born from experience and an attention to the phenomena of existence." [Agni Yoga, 127]


Toiling by Night by Svetoslav Roerich. 193912. "The true achievement is not to artificially protect oneself from everything that harms and hinders, but precisely to rise above all obstacles by the power of the spirit." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 4. 048]


13. "Karmic conditions themselves bend under the hammer of the will." [Fiery World I, 340]


14. "...The development of the will, starting from everyday trifles and up to high selfless action, is the basis of all discipline and achievement." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 4. 072]


15. "The will is the bow-string of the consciousness." [Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, 386]


16. "Each disciplining of spirit produces striving. Only the will can give discipline to the spirit. But when the thought rambles, asserting selfhood, then verily there is no channel for true vital action." [Infinity II, 377]


17. "Who can change destiny? Where is the power? Only in thought. People do not trust thought sufficiently, and the power of their will is fettered seven times over. A man says, "I have gathered all my will power," yet at the same time he is afraid, and doubts, and hates, and hesitates. The will does not act in this way. It can send its arrow only when all fetters have been removed. This state was called dispassionateness, but this is not correct; it is better to define it as liberation. Let us take the example of an archer. If his arrow is weighed down with any objects, the flight of the arrow can only be spoiled." [Agni Yoga, 463]


18. "...The will is psychic energy, transmuted and sharpened. In antiquity the arrow was a symbol of the will. At present much is spoken about the development of the will and many artificial methods are proposed for strengthening it, but it can only be developed by active work. When you meet people who lack will power, you can be certain that they suffer from laziness and are in a state of obscured consciousness, unwilling to attempt any independent activity. There are many such people and they will not readily understand that such creative labor sharpens their arrow of attainment. It can be stated that lack of will is accompanied by fear, depression, ingratitude, and other terrors of ignorance." [Supermundane, 729]


19. "But how does one develop the will? ...The most indomitable will grows amidst the events of daily life. It is not enough to simply repeat about the quality of will; it must be acquired inwardly as a psychic impulse. The will is strengthened by labor. People reveal the degree of their will power in every encounter." [Supermundane, 456]


Defender (Cloud-Marksman) by Nicholas Roerich. 193720. "How to increase the will? By realizing its power. The potential of the will is unlimited. ...It can be brought up constantly, persistently and systematically. Will is the fiery prerogative of the spirit. There is nothing that the will of man cannot overcome. You just need to want, you need to be able to want hard enough. The will can be exercised as easily as the muscles of the body. An impossible something suddenly becomes possible when the will that overcomes this impossible crosses some kind of tension. Of course, the will is exercised and tempered by a person primarily on himself. Only the will, which has mastered and mastered the senses, is available for unhindered growth. The will cannot grow if it does not have feelings, but feelings own it. All weaknesses of character are nothing else than promiscuity or instability of the will. Consciousness unconditionally obeys the power of an unconditional, categorical order of the will. ...Willpower is reduced to the power of mastering thought. ...The citadel of the will of the heart is the center of the fiery energy of the spirit. The will of the brain is weak, but the will of the kindled heart is irresistible. ... The field of application of the power of the fiery will is the consciousness of a person following the path of boundless development of his hidden potential, all qualities, all possibilities contained in it. There is so much to overcome in yourself that you can exercise your will always and everywhere and endlessly. ... Every day you can give this or that assignment to the will, but only in yourself and to yourself. Until a person subordinates himself to himself, until he conquers himself, his will cannot be born... A monolithic decision of the will means consistency... of the entire microcosm of the carrier of the fiery will." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1961, 359]


21. "Each deliverance from a petty habit requires tension of the will." [Brotherhood, 64]


22. "The will feeds on thought. ...Habit is an outgrowth of crystallized thought. ...It is necessary to fight only with a thought, leaving a habit or weakness alone. It is possible to build up the thought opposing them,.. by increasing its power to such an extent that its accumulated energy will eventually destroy, or rather neutralize, the crystals of habitual layers of thought." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1962, 404]


23. "Violence against the will is unacceptable, and therefore we welcome an independent decision to start educating oneself and developing the will. The first condition is to start small. The second condition is not to stop at any failures. If a hundred failures are crowned with only one success, this is already a victory… Therefore, the attitude to failures must be radically changed and it should be assumed that with perseverance and unbreakability of the decision, the will to develop – failure is the threshold of victory. ... The spirit is eternal, and if it shows constancy and purposefulness in achieving the goal, then all temporary and transient states of consciousness no longer have the meaning of self-sufficient... Everything is achievable..." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1960, 292]


24. "Let the crystals of the fiery grains that make up your future karma, the reasons consciously laid by you to bring them to life, be laid in the sphere of your microcosm… You yourself, by your will, will control, using the law of causality, your destiny." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1961, 202]


25. "The advance of consciousness to the cognizance of will reveal Infinity." [Infinity I, 21]



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