Prelude No. 1. Op. 11 by A.K. Lyadov


The Spring by Svetoslav Roerich. 19611. "One of the basic conditions of existence is sincerity, or to put it another way, heartfulness. If this foundation is not sufficiently developed, one can strengthen it by turning to the heart." [Heart, 595]


2. "...Begin to think about the heart so that you can remember about it and then hearken to its call. The magnet of the heart grows with sincerity and striving." [Letters I, 13 October 1929]


3. "Sincerity is nothing but the shortest attainment. Vainly do sentimental people load sincerity with romantic tatters. Sincerity is a concept real and invincibly acute. That sincerity is similar to a properly directed spear thrust and is not a diffused goodness can be shown by example. Each doubt lessens the power of the blow." [New Era Community, 134]


4. "...Тrue sincerity is a purifier, bringing about a crystal clarity, which enlightens the consciousness just as fuel gives flame." [Agni Yoga, 556]


5. "That which in the Cosmos is called the Source of Truth, in life is called sincerity." [Fiery World III, 207]


6. "Sincerity and simplicity are two powerful magnets and the foundations of great creative relationships between people. Few people realize the importance of this creativity, on which all constructions, all evolution are based! This forgotten art, which requires all sensitivity, all alertness and synthesis of the spirit, must be urgently introduced into life as the most urgent knowledge..." [Letters I, 24 April 1931]


7. "...We value sincerity above everything. The word which does not contain the affirmation of the heart is void. Only the potential of spirit can give power to creativeness. Thus, every thought bereft of this wondrous fire is deprived of life." [Infinity II, 337]


8. "Know how to smite the darkness of hypocrisy, but let each petal of sincerity live." [Agni Yoga, 252]


9. "... Recognizing sincerity is not easy, because what people call sincerity is often quite a different quality. They can justify any wrongdoing as having a sincere motive. But where is the self-denial that purifies the action? Evil is connected with hypocrisy and the personal ego." [Agni Yoga, 483]


10. "…We will labor for the common good, knowing that every sincere striving for good is already an active contribution. Thus we will learn benevolence." [Supermundane, 515]



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