1. "The iron relentlessness of movement towards the goal set once and for all gives confidence to the step and firmness to the foot." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1957, 428]
2. "The difficulties of life are the stages of victory. As the bow of a ship cleaves the ocean wave, so goes the winner through life. And it's up to the oncoming masses of waves to be dissected by the relentlessness of the ship's aspiring course." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1952, 495]
3. "You can go through everything, and endure everything, and sustain everything, and conquer everything, if only you know clearly and definitely why something is being endured or tested. ... Humanity is divided into those who know where and why they are going, and those who wander blindly, not knowing where, not knowing why and for what. The spirit must comprehend its existence and purpose before moving. The firmness of the step and the relentlessness depend on the degree and depth of awareness. ... Thought determines the state of consciousness and the degree of its relation to the environment. Thought is the working weapon of the spirit. It goes ahead, breaking through the channel for action in the substance of the elements." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1953, 472]
4. “But precisely learning to desire is what people find difficult. They cannot bring their feelings into equilibrium and are therefore unable to create a steadfast, unshakeable desire." [Heart, 198]
5. "Aspirations embodied in vivid definite and pictorial images ...serve as distant anchors for consciousness… In order to firmly and steadily go into the future, it is necessary to definitely and clearly know where and what to strive for." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1955, 245]
6. "The unwavering tension of the bowstring precedes the flight of the arrow." [New Era Community, 239]
7. "Firmness of will and fortitude of spirit can be considered the relentlessness shown ... on all paths that bring us closer to the Light… This relentlessness can be seen as an inner knowledge that all human creations have an end... but the Good and works of Light are infinite. The victory of Light over darkness and the ultimate triumph of Light is not a fiction, but a fiery reality..." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1964, 555]
8. “A hurricane is necessary to carry sendings – steadfastness also will be urgently needed." [Fiery World I, 94]
9. "It is necessary to go firmly to the goal, and go so against obstacles as if they did not exist at all. The immutability step does not recognize insurmountable obstacles and defeats them all." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1954, 202]
10. "It is very important not to stop at anything, before any obstacles or temporary failures, because they are all temporary and often depend on the transience of external conditions and the environment, whereas the spirit is eternal, and with the relentlessness and firmness of aspiration, the goal is achieved invariably." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1966, 163]
11. "In everything that you want to keep to the end, approve the rhythm." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1955, 419]
12. "Rhythm ensures the relentlessness of movement." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1970, 276]
13. "... They, following the path of relentlessness, will reach [destination] immutably." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1955, 293]