1. "The fundamentals of the Teaching are intrepidity and aspiration." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 1. 071]
2. "All the Teachings were primarily aimed at cultivating intrepidity in the students. Without this quality, no progress on the spiritual path is possible." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 5. 019]
3. "Only intrepidity can approach the Light and embrace the Truth." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 5. 050]
4. "... Just as any minor fault decreases the value of a precious stone, fearlessness loses its power when it is not absolute and complete. People should find no consolation in thinking that it is possible to be more or less fearless. Without full immunity from fear, how could they dare to peer into the Infinite? ... It is not easy to learn fearlessness if no daring was accumulated in former lives. Every past obstacle was a lesson in how to overcome it. Past victories point the way to new successes. Let man understand that no one can deprive him of life. It is mistaken to think that life exists only in one’s earthly existence. Courage is strengthened by the realization that life is indestructible. Certainty about this is the way to fearlessness, and the certainty must be complete to be effective. ...Thus, man must strive to attain full. …The Thinker said, “At times it seems to me that I am fearless, but will I be able to face dreadful danger? I will command myself to stand firm against it!” [Supermundane, 751]
5. "Only steadfastness and conscious fearlessness will bring victory." [Fiery World III, 313]
6. "Intrepidity is not insensitivity, but precisely the eradication of the paralyzing, debilitating and degrading spirit of the feeling of fear. And then the warning of danger does not cause a reaction of fear, but rather, on the contrary, a sense of calm and consciousness of the invulnerability and inviolability of the spirit, that is, the assertion of reality." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1972, 489]
7. "...Fear is a bad adviser in everything. Speaking of intrepidity, I mean the destruction of the root of fear. The root is one, but it gives many branches. It is useless to cut branches if the root is alive, because it gives new unexpected shoots. ...The higher Self knows no fear. The fiery heart is fearless. Fire [of the spirit] and fear are incompatible." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1954, 571]
8. "We are in thrall to the pentahedron of our senses, but there is a way to liberation, an exit to the top through the intrepidity of the knowledge of the heart." [Еxcerpts by Boris Abramov from the book "Aspiring Heart" 1951, 51]
9. "Freedom from fear will not come through convincing oneself in each separate instance. On the contrary, such suggestions drive the feeling of fear inward, permitting it to return with full force at the first opportunity. Moreover, the terror will increase in proportion to the pressure of the artificial suggestion. Imprisoned fear is a very dangerous convict, and it is essential to rid oneself of fear – so declare all Teachings. Fear can be eradicated by comparisons. Point out the terror of facing ferocious beasts to the man who is threatened by fire, and he will say, “I would know how to escape wild beasts, but how can I escape this blaze?” Thus, collect all the possible causes of fear, and one after another they will fall away like dry leaves." [Fiery World I, 505]
10. "Pile fears on top of one another until the heart sees the meaninglessness of fear. You will have to go through fear, and it is through what a person is most afraid of. There is nothing in the world scarier than fear. ...Fear is humiliating, because it denies the highest that is in man. Fear is magnetic, because it attracts to realization exactly what a person is afraid of. Fear is a fire extinguisher. ...Fear is ugly. It's better to die than to be a coward. See how people despise cowards. They instinctively feel that something very ugly and unconvincing is happening. Caution, prudence, vigilance is not fear. Fear is an ash-gray state of the heart that has lost its light radiations." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1955, 65]
11. "The intrepidity magnet is strong and positive. But the fear magnet is destructive and negative. If a person is a magnet and every state of his spirit is magnetic, attracting by its essence, then the magnet of intrepidity is beneficent and shining, because it repels powerfully phenomena that do not correspond to it. ... Through the channel of fears comes harmfulness and ruin... The laws of psychic energy act in harmony with the tone of consciousness, which is given by the will. Let's be conscious of the magnetic mood of our microcosm. Let the will act in harmony with consciousness, attracting the desired and repelling the dark phenomena." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1953, 617]
12. "A consciousness infected with fear is not free. Fear is the jailer of consciousness. ...Will can replace fear with intrepidity..." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1959, 145]
13. "The Thinker pointed out that the disciples must test their fearlessness. When the Teacher observed that a disciple was afraid of something, He placed him at once face to face with what had frightened him. The same trial was also used in the schools of Sparta. There, the expression of the eyes was watched in order to confirm the disciple’s courage." [Supermundane, 295]
14. "Love is easier to strengthen than intrepidity, but fiery love for the Highest Image of the Teacher will also give birth to intrepidity of the spirit." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1961, 431]
15. "Only ardent love can create such fearlessness, and one should intensely cultivate it. Without the protection of love one cannot withstand the attacks of chaotic forces, and even one’s health will suffer." [Supermundane, 159]
16. "Conscious tension of the psychic energy of fearlessness is a great armor." [Fiery World III, 408]