1. "Wherever the truth is manifested it will remain as such. One should eject from oneself all that hinders the acceptance of the manifestation in its complete reality. One must impel oneself to such honesty." [Fiery World I, 265]
2. "... The main condition for promotion is honesty with oneself, I will add – always and in everything." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 4. 093]
3. "How carefully must the disciples examine the quality of their thoughts! Has not the worm of egoism, or conceit, or the manifestation of self-love hidden somewhere? The ability to admit this honestly is something that each spirit must develop within himself." [Agni Yoga, 661]
4. "Since we know that effects proceed from causes, each spirit must examine his own motives. The entire Book of Life is concerned with the qualities of motives." [Infinity II, 506]
5. "Dear ones check your motives, showing complete honesty, which is the "rarest decoration"." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 1. 073]
6. "The recognition of one's own imperfections is a direct path to perfection, but not everyone has the honesty of recognition. Hence there is dissimulation, and lies, and hypocrisy, and the desire to seem better than it is. A small consciousness still continues to chase someone else's approval and recognition, not realizing that nothing will change reality and that one day it will have to face it when everything secret becomes clear and visible." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1969, 300]
7. "Only the honesty of the recognition of their unlived properties will help to eradicate them." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1968, 384]
8. "It is better to honestly consider your weaknesses and not to justify them, but to get rid of them." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1954, 414]
9. "One must direct the consciousness of people along the path of honesty. People must understand that the most important thing is the honesty of Service. How can one affirm the growth of the spirit, how can one prove devotion to Hierarchy, how can one purify the consciousness? By observing this one law – honesty of Service. Thus let us always keep in mind the harm of half-wayness." [Fiery World III, 8]
10. "...It is important to remember the necessity for honesty, for this is the first requirement in building. Distortion of facts is distortion of the structure. …On the path to the Fiery World the first requirement is honesty." [Fiery World III, 379]