

Zvenigorod by Nicholas Roerich. 19331. "The eternal, unceasing creativity of a Great Life surrounds us, and we, being a part of this great Creativity, must create every minute of our lives, create with thought, word, action." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 8. 036]


2. "Positive creativity is the basic quality of the human spirit." [The Banner of Peace by Nicholas Roerich]


3. "Constructiveness, striving for victory, is already a bond with the rhythm of Higher Worlds." [Fiery World II, 357]


4. "Man is a legitimate and natural creator, and this creative power is a great legacy of man. The highest identification of a person's creative ability is an art phenomenon. In the field of art, a person reaches the highest levels of spirit and creativity. ...The highest form of art is not only a repetition of the visible. This is a creative combination of both earthly elements and elements that have not yet had their manifestation on earth. Man enjoys the boundless ocean of space. ...Creativity is a cosmic law. The creativity of the spirit is the supreme law of the supreme consciousness. The purpose and destiny of man is to create, plunging into the ocean of boundless possibilities of the spirit." [Excerpts by Boris Abramov from the book "Aspiring Heart" 1951, 56]


5. “The embryo of the spirit actually does not begin with human evolution; its manifestation refers to an indescribable fiery process. That is why you apply to man the words – kindling of the spirit. Precisely, given to man was the kindling of fire, which dwells in all the manifestations of creativeness. One should remember that powerful energies have been entrusted to man; therefore, whoever does not kindle the spirit does not fulfill his destiny." [Fiery World II, 447]


6. "Yes, only those subtle energies which contact the spirit can give creativeness to humanity. Only the beauty of the spirit can move humanity. The power of creativeness is contained in the fire of the spirit..." [Infinity II, 414]


7. "One must understand creativeness as the unification of various energies manifested by the Fire of space and the spirit of man. Science of the future will reveal the laws of these unions..." [Fiery World III, 161]


8. "... Only the values of the spirit and creativity are at the heart of Being. Only these values will be the salvation of humanity." [Burning the Darkness by Nicholas Roerich]


9. "... We must discipline ourselves in creative thinking, and cooperate with the whole Cosmos in this wonderful creativity." [Beautiful by Nicholas Roerich]


Attainment by Svetoslav Roerich. 193810. "... All the subtle cosmic energies pass through the heart. All the subtlest means all the most powerful and all the most creative. But to attract these creative energies, you need to light the fires of the heart. So, dear ones, burn with all the lights!" [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 1. 048]


11. "…Only the heart can be the basis of earthly construction. Only through the heart can we again acquire inexhaustible creativity and solve the problems of modern crises." [Studying Life by Nicholas Roerich]


12. "The language of creativity is the universal language understood by the heart." [The Right Way by Nicholas Roerich]


13. "Without love there is no creation." [Aum, 158]


14. "Creativeness through the power of Cosmic Love is infinite. The space resounds with the affirmation of the law of Cosmic Love." [Fiery World III, 29]


15. "In such creativeness the force of thought is needed. Evolution without thought is impossible. … Thought is Fire. Thought is the engendering of the creative vortex and explosion. Thought is Light and radiance. Thus must Fiery Thought be respected." [Fiery World III, 600]


16. "Verily, thought is infinite. The domains of the Cosmos are revealed to it. There are no limitations where the spirit rules. Is not thought, which pervades all and manifests the beauty of the Cosmos, miraculous? …Even if thought does not find its application upon Earth, nevertheless, it fierily saturates space with these creative records. Thought-forms intensify each vital designation, as a fiery impulse of life. The source of creative power is inexhaustible when life is filled with thought. Therefore, to think means to construct life. To think means to affirm the forms of life." [Fiery World III, 150]


17. "Grow creative thoughts in yourself, remembering that nothing is as powerful as the power of thought." [Beautiful by Nicholas Roerich]


18. "The Spirit can create in space. How? By thought, of course. ...The main attribute of the spirit is the ability to create. And while a person is thinking, the creative process goes on continuously." [Facets of Agni Yoga 1957,186]


19. “Hence, the subtle thinker is a mover of evolution. Thus is the cosmic striving being built. Thus thought moves humanity." [Infinity II, 407]


These Shades Must Never Fade by Svetoslav Roerich. 196420. "The meaning of life is in relentless creativity and creation. But creativity can develop only with freedom of thought. Where thought is constrained, all creations are poor cripples, and they cannot enter into the life of the future of mankind. A person is changing, and the person of tomorrow is already different from the person of yesterday. Those rulers are wise who take into account first of all this constant change in a person, and not in institutions. ... Human thought, with proper development, constantly expands, enriches and ascends." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 7. 020]


21. "If humanity would understand how majestic the creative impulse of thought is, then every thought generated would be expended for the Common Good. Thus, each pearl of spirit creates better possibilities." [Infinity II, 370]


22. "How to awaken creativity? By the desire for beauty." [Agni Yoga, 67]


23. "The heart and mind do not conflict when they sail the Ocean of Creative Labor." [Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, 181]


24. "There is nothing higher than creativity, there is no higher joy, therefore create and rejoice!" [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 3. 128]


25. "Watch the intensity of creativeness in each social structure. True is that structure wherein manifold creativeness is given wings. If it becomes burdensome for creativeness, this is a true sign of error in the structure. Do not let these errors build nests. Summon masons, re-lay the walls, until the song will resound again freely." [New Era Community, 162]


26. "The power of art is great! ... If the rulers of the states had fully understood the high educational value of art, they would have made every effort and every means to awaken the fire of creativity in the people and nourish them with sound, color and beautiful forms. No revolutions, no wars of conquest could find a response in a refined heart." [Letters of Helena Roerich in 9 Volumes - 5. 110]




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